Outdoor Outings

Outdoor Activities in Treatment
Experiential therapies and group activities can be incredibly beneficial for those in early recovery. During their stay with us, our residents will have access to a wide array of outdoor outings. These include regular trips to play group sports, like volleyball and softball, which help to improve communication, unity, and morale.
Trips downtown to museums and national monuments provide enrichment and educational opportunities. Our alumni have listed these outings as a favorite aspect of their treatment experiences.
kayaking, and surf fishing are also available to residents.
Surfing for Addiction Recovery
Without a doubt, the most beloved pastime of Augustine Recovery’s residents is surfing. Each weekend, we take our residents to St. Augustine Beach, just a few miles from our doorstep.
In sobriety, it is important for us all to rediscover adventure. Through this process, recovery becomes more appealing. Some of us found surfing in sobriety, others learned to surf before doing so. We can all agree that this particular outing brought us spiritual connection, peace, and an opportunity to practice self-care in our journey through recovery. Surfing saved many of Augustine Recovery’s staff in different ways, and that is something we want our residents to experience, too.
Chris (admissions director), Jason (owner), Tom (case manager), or Ty (program director) meet the guys down at the beach with the rest of our DCA (behavior tech) staff on hand. As our residents take to the ocean, staff members offer advice and fundamental experience with the residents in the water. Groups on water safety, surfing how-to’s, and ocean dynamics are occasionally offered as new communities cycle through Augustine Recovery.
The Benefits of Outdoor Outings
Over the years, we have learned that these trips are exciting and incredibly effective for our residents. The benefits of outdoor outings include:
- Learning new, healthy outlets for energy
- Finding great ways to occupy one’s time after treatment
- Improving connection and teambuilding among residents
- Discovering how to foster positive relationships without substances
- Determining the difference between healthy “highs” and one’s previous choices
- Reinvigorating one’s spirit

Experience The Augustine Recovery Difference
At Augustine Recovery, we do things differently. Our approach to recovery doesn’t just address the physical aspects of addiction; it treats the whole person. We believe that our outdoor outings are an important cornerstone of comprehensive care. To learn more about Augustine Recovery and our upcoming events, contact us today.
Recovery Is One Phone Call Away
If you’re ready to face your addiction to alcohol, or if you have questions about alcohol addiction for a loved one, give us a call at (904) 217-0480. You can speak directly to one of our alcohol treatment specialists and learn more about our facility, our professional staff, alcohol treatment options, insurance, and more.