Sober Living
Transitional Supportive Living is made available to residents who successfully complete their at Augustine Recovery.

Our sober living homes provide the residents with a recovery based, transitional living environment to ensure their success in recovery. Residents are supported in their recovery by staff and their peers as the continue their journey in recovery, and are held to the same structure and accountability that they develop here at Augustine Recovery. Accountability to their peers and their house manager in sober living is expected. Sober living expectations include but are not limited to the following:
- Breathalyzer
- Residents will be subject to urine analysis
- 12 Step meeting attendance
- Weekly house meeting
- Alumni meeting
- Daily house chores
- Job search accountability
- Bringing 12 step meetings to health centers and institutions
- Active participation with a sponsor
- Agenda setting/planning
- Employment/volunteer hours
- Case management/structure family calls continue in sober living
- Most residents are required to continue participation in intensive outpatient or outpatient while in sober living
Recovery Is One Phone Call Away
If you’re ready to face your addiction to alcohol, or if you have questions about alcohol addiction for a loved one, give us a call at (904) 217-0480. You can speak directly to one of our alcohol treatment specialists and learn more about our facility, our professional staff, alcohol treatment options, insurance, and more.