5 Stars: A Magical Place
“Work is love made visible.”
Poet Kahlil Gibran suggested this, perhaps aspirationally. To the extent that you are intrigued or dubious, visit The Augustine to see what it looks and feels like when an entire cast is animated by this principle.
The Augustine is a magical place where backbone and heart lead the parade. The staff are incredible in their passion and skill, and they have been masterful in creating and nurturing an environment of love, support, accountability, and honesty. Miracles happen in the midst of emotional safety, and to the best of my ability to identify it, that’s the secret sauce at The Augustine.
Any and all of us would benefit greatly from the chance to immerse ourselves in a community and environment like The Augustine. Those of us whose loved ones have had the opportunity to experience the genius of this place are forever grateful, and our families have grown stronger as a result.
So 5 stars for The Augustine – I can’t imagine a healthier, more effective place to begin the process of enduring recovery. And 5 stars to all of us building more communities like this out in the world; we could solve every social and civil ill if each of us approached ourselves, our communities, and our world through the lens and the methodologies of The Augustine.